Whistle Creations & Vintage Horn Restorations
Welcome to River Whistles and Restorations. I blend years of high tech materials modeling with hundreds of years of whistle design to bring you whistles never seen before with attributes never considered before made of materials never used before. You may email me (riverwhistles@gmail.com) about the whistles seen here for pricing and availability.
I also restore vintage horns and cases of famous brands including YORK, OLDS, KING, and others (Reynolds etc). You can reach out to me about a horn or case you want restored or want to sell or buy at riverwhistles@gmail.com
NOTE: I am semi-retired from making whistles and now focus on restoring vintage horns.

Lost Copper Whistle of Bag's End
Nobody knows how long the whistle was searched for, All that was known was it was lost...
Aged Copper Tunable High D River Whistle

Please email if interested

Catalogue of past designs
Video Reviews
A great and fair review by the one and only Cutiepie!
Another fantastic review by Cutiepie of my Low G Whistle

Customer Reviews

Other Instruments and Doodads

River Restoration
Vintage and collectable Horn and case restoration

York Custom Cornet
Professional Grade
Rose brass bell
Underslung third slide ring
Custom case

1947 York Custom Cornet
Custom Case/ Horn Restore

*Fixed bent leadpipe * fixed dents in curve of bell * loosen slides * Replace felts and corks * remove lacquer * polish and buff * Replace case fabric inside and out * Replace mouthpiece holder * Custom Leather Celtic Knot Badge * Chemical Internal Cleaning * Replace Case Handle

Please email if interested

1932 King Liberty #1
Horn Restore
*Fixed bent leadpipe * fixed large dents in bell * loosen slides * Replace felts and corks * polish and buff * Remove stuck cornet mouthpiece * fix dents in second valve slide tubing * replace Third slide stop rod * Chemical Internal Cleaning

King Liberty Silvertone #1
Professional Grade
Sterling Silver Bell
Magnolia Blossom Bell Engraving
(Art Nouveau)

Slides and mouthpiece freed by
Gary Meierhenry at
Stanroy Music in Santa Rosa, CA

Not currently for sale but email if interested

1952 Embassy Trumpet
Horn Restore / custom case
* fixed large dents in bell * loosen slides * Replace felts and corks * Remove Lacquer * polish and buff * Custom Art Deco Leather Hard Case * Chemical Internal Cleaning

Embassy Trumpet
made in England (Besson)
Student Grade
Art Deco Bell Engraving

Sold 12/09/24

1957 York 75th
Horn Restore
* Dent at solder joint left as is * loosen slides * Replace felts and corks * Remove Lacquer * polish and buff * Chemical Internal Cleaning * Straighten Bell *

York 75th Anniversary
Intermediate Grade
Art Deco Bell Engraving

Sold 2/24/25

Horn Restore
* Loosen Slides * Replace felts and corks * Remove Lacquer * polish and buff * Chemical Internal Cleaning *

Getzen 90 stencil
Professional Grade
Art Deco Bell Typeface
Bottom Spring Valves

Rare misprint
"Moston, Mass"
instead of Boston, Mass

Sold 2/18/25



1953 OLDS L-5 Special Cornet
Professional Grade
Art Deco Bell Typeface
L.A. model
Olds case with new handle

1953 OLDS Special
Horn and Case Restore
* Fix Large Dents * Replace felts and corks * Remove Lacquer * polish and buff * Chemical Internal Cleaning * Bell Joint Dent Fixed as Much as Possible for Now * Case cleaned * Add New Handle

Finger ring holder attached by
Gary Meierhenry at Stanroy Music Center in Santa Rosa, CA

Fixing Bell before selling but email if interested